
Drugstore,1993于伦敦成军的团,团名从Gus Van Sant的电影"drugstore cowboy"而来,女主唱isabel monteiro是个巴西人,她的声音有种烟熏过的诡异甜美感,气音很重,好像不能平稳地一直唱一直线,不知道随时要飘像哪里去的感觉 ,却也可以一直这样有气无力的飙高拉低。专辑中她与thom york合作了一曲"el president",thom york非常稳实的声线正好与isabel的形成了鲜明对比,但各有各的味道。thom york可以把高音唱得很完美很性感,isabel可以把高音唱得你跟着一起吊着一口气,让你有一种想帮她把这音唱完的欲望。不得不承认,isabel永远和做作沾不上边。


这支与suede同样出自伦敦的4人乐队,被人们称为女生版的suede,足见媒体对他的评价支高以及乐队本身高超的水平;乐队是英国乐队,可名字却偏偏很美国化,而且乐队的名字正是来源于美国电影drugstore cowboy(国内译为迷幻牛郎),这部由另类导演gus van sant于1989年拍摄的电影讲述的是七十年代一个专门偷窃禁药的青少年四人帮,整天沉沦毒海,毫无生活目标。后来女团员吸毒过量致死,令鲍勃(matt dillon饰)大受打击,决定戒毒,从此与朋友分道扬镳,并留下来在当地工厂找工作,过正常生活。本片的调子处理得相当低沉苦闷,对年轻人空虚无助只以乱吃药作为发泄的悲剧刻划得十分深刻,主题具教化意味。可能durgstore成员正是受到此部影片的感染,他们的作品中充满着淡淡的忧愁及对生活各个方面的人生领悟,这里有欢快的有低沉的有诉说更有抱怨当然许多是充满甜味的愉悦;像许多以主唱取胜的dream pop乐队一样,drugstore的主唱Isabel Monteiro的声线绝对无可挑剔,Isabel其实是来自巴西的移民,可能是南美血统的缘故,Isabel的声音里比其他的欧美女声更多了一份新鲜的自由感,那是像鸟一样飘在空中的,无拘无束的声音。


Biography by Jason Ankeny
Named in honor of filmmaker Gus Van Sant's indie classic Drugstore Cowboy, the dark, atmospheric British-based trio Drugstore formed in London in 1993. The group was led by vocalist/bassist Isabel Monteiro, an expatriate Brazilian who relocated to the U.K. in 1990; after singing in a number of short-lived groups, she eventually teamed with drummer and Los Angeles native Mike Chylinski, and soon Drugstore began to take shape. Claiming to hate her haunting, smoky voice, Monteiro insisted that the fledgling group test other singers, but when none of the auditions proved suitable, she grudgingly agreed to handle vocal chores.

After originating as a thrash outfit, Drugstore's sound gradually grew slower and more dreamy, hotwiring their music's languid psychedelic beauty with crashing waves of distortion and white noise. Instead of recording a demo, the group issued their debut single, "Alive," on their own Honey label in the spring of 1993. After a flurry of critical acclaim, the follow-up, "Modern Pleasure," appeared as an installment in the Rough Trade Singles Club series. Inviting guitarist Daron Robinson to join the group full-time, Drugstore soon signed to the Go-Discs! label; after issuing the Starcrossed EP at the beginning of 1995, their stunning self-titled debut album followed later in the year. White Magic for Lovers appeared in 1998.
