Electric President介绍

    德国Morr Music厂从2004年The Go Find 的「Miami」 、Styrofoam 的「 Nothing's Lost」等专辑至今,原音吉他、笔记型计算机与真实歌声三位一体,确立了流行电子民谣的路线。来自美国佛罗里达州的Electric President延续此风格 ,很难不让人想起The Postal Service。温暖的歌声与流畅旋律,听起来也像是Beach Boys的现代版本,背景从加州海滩搬到了现代都市。

     Ben Cooper与Alex Kane,两人今年二十岁左右,多才多艺,写作、绘画、音乐各种创作质量兼具,在组成Electric President之前,已有以Radical Face等化名的音乐创作与录音经验。同名专辑以笔记型计算机加上吉他等原音乐器,花了八个月时间,虽是在家里手工制造完成,却一点也不lo-fi,技术水平与录音质量极高 ,悦耳而动听。

     Ben Cooper认为计算机只是工具,音乐仍是以吉他为主,他希望达到三个目标,1.干净和可爱的音色 2.原音乐器与电子节奏的结合 3.歌曲结构的实验创新。就这三点而言,Electric President都获致不错的成果,听起来乐观、坦然而充满阳光,除了好听的"Good Morning, Hypocrate"、"Ten Thousand Lines"之外,"Snow on Dead Neighborhoods"听起来竟有Luna的错觉,而"Insomnia"与"We Were Never Built To Last"都值得注意,编曲层次丰富,最后飙起来的迷幻吉他非常迷人,在快与慢、轻与重之间取得了平衡。


Featuring a glottal-rich vocal style that invites (nay, demands) comparison with the boy Gibbard, Electric President's Ben Cooper has a slow-burn predilection that could have easily sunk into syrupy no-mans land; but thanks to the confident arrangements on back up duty, this never transpires. The coming together of two 20-somethings, Electric President (Cooper and Alex Kane) make soaring indie-pop that is coated in a lambent film of laptop filaments, resulting in a sound which straddles the dEUS, American Analog Set and The Go Find border regions. Opening with 'Good Morning, Hypocrite', the President deliver a stuttering opus of acoustic business, bruised vocals and swirling laptop action; a template they return to throughout, with 'Insomnia' and 'Some Crap About The Future' of particular note. Elsewhere, 'Metal Fingers' is an ADD rattle of blushed backing and crackling beats, 'Hum' layers Cooper's lolling delivery atop synthesised choirs, whilst 'Farewell' lives up to its name through an extended bow of hushed digitalis and blurred indie. Danger!


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