Jim Kroft介绍

混迹地下音乐圈多年后,Jim Kroft 终于在一家大厂牌下发行了第一张个人专辑。从苏格兰到伦敦,再到柏林,他在一把吉它和一辆小货车陪伴下走过了一条漫长的音乐之路。

跟随着Primal Scream和Travis的脚步,Jim为了组建乐队从爱丁堡搬到了伦敦。在那里,他在The Libertines乐队的隔壁录制了一张专辑; 当过Mando Diao的暖场;演遍了基本整个伦敦可以演出的地方。然而,Jim一直在默默等待着的,是一个更重大的机会,而他不知道伦敦能不能提供他想要的东西。于是,他用一辆小货车将他的人生搬到了德国。

刚到柏林时Jim加入了Tacheles Arts Community,那里是东柏林中心地带的一个艺术家和违章占地者的聚集地。在一栋废弃的建筑里他度过了在柏林的最初几个月,并在严寒中创作出了后来广受好评,并被德国的电台广为传播的专辑《The Hermit and the Hedonist》。

由Matt Ingram (Lianne La Havas制作人)制作,Richard Wilkinson (Adele混音师)混音及Matt Colton (曾与Coldplay合作)制作母带的《Lunatic Lullabies》在《The Hermit & the Hedonist》发行后不到一年就完成了。

《lunatic Lullabies》是一张述说Jim Kroft本人难以割舍的顽强梦想的专辑。这张专辑正是在这段充满了激动和疯狂的时段里创作出来了, Jim自己并不知道这条路最终会将他带向何处,在经历了音乐界的大起大落后终于站稳脚跟的积极能量,在这张专辑里得到了充分的体现。

Don’t let his relatively young age fool you - Jim Kroft is a true journeyman. Having grown up near Dundee, Kroft took the obligatory songwriter’s route through East London before finding refuge in a squatter’s den in downtown Berlin. He’s an artist who has little hesitation in throwing himself into the throngs of poverty for the sake of his craft. Further to this lifestyle, Kroft has been dealt an excessively cruel hand; he lost his mother to cancer during his early teens and has little contact with his father.

Such experience has culminated in Kroft’s sophomore effort, The Hermit And The Hedonist. Given the amount of heartache he has endured, you’d half expect the album to be drenched in minor key hopelessness and late night bar confession. Such perceptions couldn’t be further from the truth. While at times his lyrics preach of a world in disarray, Kroft proves a man of sincere resilience. His voice is smooth and the LP itself smacks with a sunny '70s soft-rock accessibility.
