1975年的7月1日,密歇根州底特律城,Stevens夫妇在家门口发现了一个牛奶箱,里面装着一个用塑料纸包裹的婴儿,它的手腕上系着一张神秘的字条:‘I love you’,这个婴儿就是后来的Sufjan Stevens。虽然当时Stevens夫妇已经有了三个孩子:Jo-Jo、Zukey-Dukey和Jam-Jam,并且生活过得很清贫:Stevens太太靠编制毛毯在跳蚤市场贩卖贴补家用,而Stevens先生是一间医院的看守人,但夫妇俩心地却非常善良,他们决定把这个孩子留下来抚养,并给他起了个名字‘Sufjan Stevens’——来源于一个伟大的亚美尼亚苏非派武士‘Abu Sufjan Muhammad’,他曾为了解救‘仙女公主’英勇地杀死了万条火龙。虽然小Sufjan看起来一幅没精打采的模样,但却是一个乖孩子。夫妇俩尽了最大的能力来照顾他:喂胡萝卜给他吃,给他读《Bhagavad Gita》中的段落,(‘Bhagavad Gita’意为‘The Song of the Lord’,是印度教经典《摩阿婆罗多》(Mahabharata)里的一首长篇颂歌,它并不是一个空洞的哲学体系,而是通过描述一个人在矛盾选择面前的行为来反映印度教的种种世界观),给他梳理头发,他们还在房间里边唱边跳起踢踏舞来,一切都是那么美好。。
Sufjan Stevens,1975年出生,可能成为我们这个世代最重要的Singer/Songwriter。
第二张专辑Enjoy Your Rabbit以中国的十二生肖为题,玩的却是光怪陆离的电子即兴曲风;第四张专辑Seven Swans(音速青春2004十大专辑)以斑鸠琴为主导,笃信基督教的Sufjan透过缓慢的民谣曲势,探讨着宗教信仰、家庭价值与个人情感三者间的纠葛,词与曲皆充满着深度与力量。而第三张专辑Michigan与最新专辑Illinois,则是Sufjan Stevens另一个异想天开却又让人拍案叫绝的音乐狂想。
对Sufjan来说,所谓的50 States Project一开始只是广告文案式的幽默宣传手法,目的是推销Michigan – 一张以自己成长家乡为主题的概念专辑。然而音乐质地细致多元的Michigan不但一举打响了Sufjan Stevens的名号,蜂拥而至的好评也迫使Sufjan重新审视这个计划的可能性 – 以美国的五十州为命题蓝本,替他们各自创作一张唱片。
Sufjan开始思考着美国认同与美国历史。从他的角度出发,美国毫无疑问是座混杂着各色人种与各式宗教的熔炉;然而混乱的政治局面却使这个曾经强盛的移民国家面临着信心崩解的危机。如何将大家团结起来,找寻一致的出口,似乎是每名公民都应努力的课题。Sufjan尽了自己的本分,音乐人的本分;2004年尾端,他将自己关进录音室,录制了50 States Project的第二号作品,Illinois。
Biography by Mario Mesquita Borges
A singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Sufjan Stevens started his venture in the music world as a member of Marzuki, a folk-rock band based in Holland, MI. Following the release of two full-length albums with the group, Stevens decided to go solo in late 1999, investing fully in a career that was waiting to shine by itself. During subsequent months, Stevens moved to New York City, where he continued dedicating himself full-time to his solo recordings. Sun Came, his debut album, appeared in 2000, confirming his superior musical command, complex instrumentation, and sparkling melodies. The promotion of the disc included playing on the road with the Danielson Famile, with whom he began regularly working. Enjoy Your Rabbit, his second album, hit record stores in 2001, underlining once more his unusual instrumentation and excellent compositions. In addition to his solo work, Stevens also offered his contribution to the album 1942 for Soul-Junk, on which he participated amply as a multi-instrumental musician. While preparing a new collection of songs, Stevens appeared on several benefit compilation discs, including Seen/Unseen, which featured Frank Black, Giant Sand, and 16 Horsepower. 2003 saw the release of Greetings from Michigan: The Great Lakes State, a 15-track conceptual piece produced and performed by Stevens — he played over 20 instruments — that placed his home state under the writer's microscope. Despite the record's narrowed focus, it was among the best reviewed that year and made many critics' year-end lists. In 2004, Stevens released his follow-up, Seven Swans, which was produced by Danielson Famile mastermind Daniel Smith. He returned to his ambitious "states" project in 2005 with Illinois, which was followed by The Avalanche in 2006.